Conan v. Leno

If you have had any communications with me lately, you know, for whatever reason, I have quite strong feelings about this situation.

First, I must admit my strong feelings, that in my opinion, Letterman is the true continuation of the Tonight Show, as Johnny Carson believed. Wikipedia excerpt: May 13, 1984 -During a week of shows taped in Los Angeles, Johnny Carson made a surprise appearance on the show after leaving The Tonight Show.[1] Carson maintained a friendship with the show for the years that followed, even secretly writing jokes for the monologue.[2] This rare surprise appearance was Carson's final major television appearance before his death.[1]

1. ^ a b Smith, Sid (2005-01-24). "Johnny Carson; 1925-2005".The Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois): p. 1.

2. ^ "So long, Johnny, pt. II - Johnny Carson, 1925 - "I'll be right back"". The Daytona Beach News-Journal (Daytona Beach, Florida): p. 04A. 2005-01-25.

Carson never again appeared on Leno's show or the Tonight Show at any time.

After Leno, in my opinion, underhandedly received the Tonight Show from NBC, and did so poorly in the ratings, that NBC even eventually offered the position to Letterman after Leno's contract was up due to their disappointment in the show and his ratings. Letterman of course declined after speaking with longtime Tonight Show producer Peter Lassally and Johnny Carson and went on to his own show on CBS. The Late Show beat the Tonight Show in the ratings for nearly the first two years; until the summer of 1995 when Hugh Grant appeared on Leno's show after being arrested for prostitution. And it is said Letterman's reluctance to joke about the OJ Simpson trial going on in California at the time that Leno often joked about.

So NBC stayed with Leno after he came in second in the ratings for nearly two years. So their argument that Conan was not immediately winning in the ratings, on their last place network, after taking over the reins at number one, is similar to conditions that Leno took over the Tonight Show. Except when Leno took over the Tonight Show, NBC was the number one network, not four, with shows like the Cosby Show, Cheers, Seinfeld, ER, etc. Perhaps if Conan had even the mildest of opportunities to be on the air with any type of lead-in, his ratings would have improved as Leno's did. But the last place network was greedy in not wanting to give up some of the only talent they had left, their late night hosts.

Leno is now claiming that he never wanted to give up the show as he agreed to in 2004. He sure is changing his tune again from what he said in 2004 in this YouTube clip

. He claimed he did not want to go through the similar scenario that occurred during the Letterman leaving for CBS scenario. Leno calls the show a dynasty to be hosted for a while and pass the reins on, as to never compete with Carson. He seemed pretty excited to give Conan the opportunity and declares how he is no Johnny Carson and has no business doing the Tonight Show into his 60s as Carson did. He also references Jerry Seinfeld leaving at the top of the ratings after discussing the situation with him. Coincidentally enough, Seinfeld was one of the first celebrities to come to Leno's side in this whole scenario, I find it hard to believe that an educated man like Jerry Seinfeld does not see how NBC pulled the carpet, so to speak, from under Conan's feet.

And now that Conan decided to stand up to the network, and not accept what most would consider a demotion, because Leno's new show failed, and NBC was too greedy to let him go elsewhere, Conan is forced to take the high road and walk away from his dream job he was promised and contracted for.

Leno was then prepared to adjust the dynasty of the Tonight Show by allowing it to be moved to 12:05 so he could be on at 11:35. This again contradicts his earlier statements of the greatness of the Tonight Show and how it should not be tampered with (format wise).

If you watch Leno's statement about the situation , you will see no remorse in his face or voice. He is completely back stepping on what he said in 2004 (which he was only number one since 95, so 9 years not 11). He puts down Conan's show, claims to have been fired in 2009, and seems to have no problem taking his job back from Conan that he agreed to step away from. He always tries to paint himself as the nice guy with his "I don't have an agent or a manager" statement. But he shows in this clip his sleaziness, quickly grabbing his old job back, without saying he cannot do that to his friend Conan and Conan's staff. He happily accepts his job back, and puts Conan down again for not getting ratings. He is trying to get back in the general publics good graces after running over Conan.

I find this scenario so similar to that of the 1992 arrangement. Leno again sneakily gets his way. It is a downright shame.

And Dick Ebersol, so conveniently named dick, made some stupid statements For some reason, he thinks being part of the team that invented Saturday Night Live gives him the ability to comment on all late night. Of course he was in charge of NBC late night for some time, and I'm sure he took plenty of credit for Carson's unparalleled run as the greatest host in late night. But as you can see, the man who criticizes Letterman and Conan,, has plenty to keep his mouth shut about. Let him go back to covering the Olympics, which by the way will be losing a couple hundred million this year, Perhaps if he argued Conan was let go for ratings or losing money, he should be let go for costing the network 200+ million dollars. Another hypocrite.

Well I hope you enjoyed my brief perspective, and hope Leno is off the air as soon as possible and await Conan's return to late night and hope he bashes Leno and NBC for this whole scenario.


  1. Really RDWeekend? Learn how to embed videos then maybe people will start reading your blog - what is this - 1998?

    Try this next time...

    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

  2. thanks for the great tip Nico, done and done

    and thanks for focusing on the format and ignoring the content, don't tell me your opinion on the subject, don't tell me what you thought of my arguments, hope you didn't waste all your time and stopped reading once you found the non-embedded video

    do you just go from blog to blog looking for format errors? well congratulations, you found one on mine!

    oh and youtube embedded videos didn't exist till 2005, sorry i am not a fancy guy like you who has been successfully blogging for 13+ years
