i am not a stupid man, but i cannot figure out why the writers are still the ones who determine who is enshrined into the hall of hame. the majority of these writers whom have never played the game of baseball, at least nothing past the sandlot level, should have no more say in the matter than i do. there should be some sort of formula either overall or per position. numbers and statistics should be analyzed anonymously without name or photo for discovery. every player should be treated the same from the beginning. any voter who factors steroids into their vote should never be allowed to vote again. and it should not be votes, it should be formulaic solely. and any person who thinks the players of yesteryear would not have taken any advantage they could get (whether it against the rules or not) are beyond naive and ignorant. any person in a competitive position not looking to gain every edge possible on their opponent is not achieving their potential. i cannot understand what the writers have to do with the sport. the hall of fame is for the most talented. how is talent proven? by actions, by numbers, by statistics, regardless of how those were achieved. the player actually had to perform those tasks, a needle cannot hit/throw a ball, swing a pitch. and whether or not it was against the law is one thing, and those breaking the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. but when it is not against the rules of the game, being punished for it is reprehensible. beyond hypocritical, and being downright unfair, it is cheating. sports are entertainment. this is not the olympics, this is not amateur hour, these are professionals who are paid to entertain, and the product is what brings in the money. sport is an entertainment, flat and simple. i can't wait for the player who has the balls enough to turn down the hall of fame. the player who has the balls to say screw you writers, i know i am great, i don't need my ego to be filled by a bunch of guys who never played the game. no thanks, i don't want to be part of any club that would have me as a member. show me that player, and i will cheer till my voice is gone. the player who says, i didn't do steroids, because i didn't know about them, or i couldn't get them, but if i could have, i would have. and where do these writers think all these professional athletes were getting these illegal substances and not being caught for so long. so now the players who were smart enough to use these substances to save the sport after the strike (and before it) are now being punished for their accomplishments. way to go everybody. way to go owners. way to go trainers. way to go writers who followed the race and made it front page news. no that they can't help you, scorn them for saving your asses. can these writers not grasp the concept that if it weren't for these substances they would have nothing to write about. their sport would be on the back burner. they would be as popular or well paid as those that cover the nhl or the nba in the late seventies early eighties. so mlb i put it to you. please revoke the writers privileges. they have no business in determining anything involving the hall of fame. those players who deem they want access should solely be granted based on performance and nothing else.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your blog until this rant - punctuation, capitalization, grammar - come on rdweekend I expect better from you.
