Juicy Tale

So we were at the bar on friday, celebrating every day; friends in town for a basketball game that never happened. We were getting a big crowd together from friends from school to ones from home, as it is usually put.
Eventually one reasonably intoxicated friend says something to the nature of "look at the bouncer, doesn't he look like Biz Markie". To which I immediately disagreed and perhaps may have said something less than stellar as a reply. But it lead us to start a chorus of 'Just A Friend' and a few others joined in shortly; quickly stopping realizing how bad we sounded and how we were not going to agree on lyrics.
So I go to the trouble of finding a dollar to borrow from a friend, who gave me a hard time about it, but I was dead broke. Then I went over to the jukebox to put on 'Just A Friend' and sure enough the all encompassing internet jukebox did not have it. Disappointedly, I returned the dollar to my friend whose face was now stunned; after all the trouble to get the dollar, that I gave it back to him.
No need to worry, the night moved along with more drinking and cocktails. Eventually someone said something that made me want to try to put another track onto the jukebox. So I go to another friend, who opens his multi-hundred dollar wallet, and hands me the lone single dollar bill in it. I walk over to the jukebox and the bouncer is sitting right there. I say something to the nature of "excuse me, I'd like to see if they have a song I want to put on". The bouncer turns around as to move out of the way. He notices there are two credits still on the jukebox and says "let me just use these two credits". I did not seem to mind much at the time (okay maybe slightly). But then he scrolled down a few tracks as i was looking on.
And to my surprise, the guy put on the precise song I was thinking of. The exact song that I wanted to hear that I wanted to play. I never thought it could happen; I mean what are the chances. Of all the songs out there, by all the artists, this guy played the exact one song I wanted to hear. The only song I was willing to put a dollar in for. So I walk back over to my friend who gave me the second dollar, and in front of the guy who gave me the first dollar, I give the second guy his dollar back. The first guy was even more confused now.
He used to fuss and could not stop wondering what the heck did I keep borrowing dollars for and giving them back for. And I just told him to listen, as I sang (or screamed) along, as most of my friends and other people within eye distance in the bar did as well. Of course the last verse at the top of my lungs.

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