Apparently there is a new immigration law in Arizona. Seth Meyers on Weekend Update from Saturday Night Live made this point.

From my understanding the short summary of it is that law enforcement can ask any person whom they deem possibly being an illegal alien for identification papers at anytime. While this may seem a little drastic, I completely understand the state governments feeling that radical measures are needed. In fact I feel they waited too long to take such extreme actions. I cannot understand why Governor Jan Brewer has not declared a state of emergency and deployed the National Guard to the international border.

They need to become the new and immediate border patrol, with posts set up as close as five-mile intervals. The situation is that dire. And I know how little congress does these days, but are they so blind that it has taken them this long to call for action This is precisely why the state government needed to take such severe measures, to make this a national discussion and get the entire countries attention.

Reports declare that gang violence has spread as far north as Phoenix, the nucleus of the state, just over 100 miles from the border. With news declaring United States citizens have been murdered in this “drug war”.

While I am unsure of the exact letter of the law in regards to the military being assembled on U.S. soil, whether marshal law needs to be declared or not. I am quite certain a governor can deploy the National Guard for an emergency. I do not care your personally dictionary, but this is defined as one. And if this action is not taken immediately, the U.S. Military will be needed. The situation is that calamitous.

Our country has become too tolerant to civilian death by foreigners. While we spend money and lives overseas to declare diplomacy, we ignore those on our soil. This methodology seems like madness when said aloud.

Although I am against law enforcement invading personal privacy by being able to declare identification from basically any person at any time, I agree severe actions need to be taken expeditiously. And I congratulate the Arizona state government for finally stepping into action; we can just hope it’s not a too little too late scenario.

1 comment:

  1. Why Arizona Drew a Line Great NYT Op-Ed By KRIS W. KOBACH
    Kris W. Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, was Attorney General John Ashcroft’s chief adviser on immigration law and border security from 2001 to 2003.
