Weight Gain Show

so they have all these television shows about losing weight and getting in shape, the nbc has the biggest loser show and vh1 has some celebrity weight loss show and some cable channel has dance your ass off etc. etc. etc.
so what if there was a show about who could gain the most weight, i mean it could be average people just sitting on their rears eating all day, cooking bacon, frying food in bacon fat, yada yada, whoever can gain the most weight wins
i mean we could go a little far out here, and please i'm not trying to be offensive, but what if it were anorexic and/or bulimic people on the show, and they were vying to gain the most weight, i mean the winner would be the healthiest out of all of them, and then they could be a spokesperson for their respective diseases
just getting a little old of all these weight loss shows, i think it is time to flip flop the scenario and make some weight gain shows

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